
Quantum Healing Journeys

& Spiritual Coaching

“Labels are for jam jars!
You, dear One, You do not fit in a jar or in a drawerwhen it comes to your request for help!
I'm interested in Your story, not so much in the label you've been given;
I want to hear your Soul. For me, your experience, your feelings, your thoughts are of great importance.
I would like to walk aside you on your Path of Life."

On your path to a healthier life in harmony & balance, I can help you in the following ways:


  • Intensive, individual Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions
  • Online session via chat and video chat
  • Intensive treatments during individual day/weekend programs at the Chy-Kara tanya in Hungary
  • Attending one of the weekend workshops for groups the Chy-Kara tanya in Hungary
Quantum Healing Hypnose Session


It is time to take a journey to explore the landscape of your soul, gain clear insight into your SOUL MISSION and get in touch with that ancient earthly wisdom that resides within you.

A Quantum Healing soul journey is like lighting a candle and creating a sacred and intimate place in the dark.
Then pay close attention to what comes into your mind, without judging it, and feel it as a gift.

The Quantum Healing Soul Journey takes you to those place that are important for your healing. This can be one or more past lives and it can be a life in the future. You may very well need a stopover with your galactic family somewhere in the Universe.

Artificial Earth time and space limitations disappear and your Pathway opens up to multidimensional experiences, higher consciousness, universal wisdom, boundless insight and Quantum Healing.


Let yourself be surprised by what presents itself.

We can ask your Higher Self the questions you expressed in the intake.

Be surprised at a profound healing that often leads to the resolution or reduction of physical and emotional complaints.


Duration: approx. 1,5 - 2 hours
Fee: € 105
Location: Chy-Kara, Pálmonostora, Hungary